Luxury’s Timeless Signature
Daring to Defy, Setting the New Standard in Premium Cigars
The Merchant Cigars Experience:
Embark on an extraordinary journey with Merchant Cigars, where each cigar is not just a product but a story of heritage and craftsmanship. For the aficionado who seeks depth in every draw, Merchant Cigars offer an unrivaled experience, blending the best of tradition with the pinnacle of tobacco excellence.
Unmatched Craftsmanship:
Crafted in the Dominican Republic, each Merchant Cigar is wrapped in a select Habano 2000 Ecuadorian wrapper, standing as a testament to our unwavering commitment to quality. Inside, the Criollo 98 binder and fillers from Esteli, Nicaragua, are brought together by the hands of the world’s most skilled artisans, creating a masterful blend that is as complex as it is captivating. This fusion of tobaccos is meticulously chosen to ensure a smoking experience that is both profound and layered, celebrating the art of cigar making with every draw.
A Journey of Flavors:
The first notes of Merchant Cigars are subtly earthy, a nod to its esteemed wrapper, before evolving into a rich landscape of spices and a hint of sweetness, characteristic of the Criollo 98. This blend promises a medium to full-bodied smoke that appeals to both the seasoned smoker and those new to the craft. Each draw is a step further into a world of nuanced flavors, meticulously designed to engage and satisfy.
Celebration of Moments:
Merchant Cigars are crafted for the moments that matter. Whether it’s a solitary contemplation or a shared celebration, these cigars are more than just smoke—they are an experience. They embody a philosophy that the finest cigars are meant to be savored, each puff a reflection of a rich legacy of cigar making.
Merchant Cigars stand as a beacon of what it means to blend tradition with the finest tobacco selection. Each cigar is a bridge between the art of old-world cigar making and the innovation of modern craftsmanship. With Merchant, you’re invited to discover a world where every cigar is a masterpiece of flavor, complexity, and aroma, promising an unmatched smoking journey that resonates with elegance and sophistication.
Ring Gauge: 50 | Length: 7”
Savor the Longevity of Tradition
A classic size for the seasoned smoker, our Churchill provides a long, enjoyable experience filled with complexity. The Habano 2000 wrapper from Ecuador envelops a Criollo 98 binder and filler, creating a smooth yet flavorful journey from start to finish.
Bold Elegance in Every Puff
The Toro delivers a robust and full-bodied flavor profile that you won’t easily forget. Its Ecuadorian Habano 2000 wrapper harmonizes perfectly with the Criollo 98 interior, striking a balance between intensity and elegance.
Precisely Crafted, Unmistakably Rich
With its distinctive shape, the Torpedo focuses the palate on the richness of its Criollo 98 and Esteli Nic blend. Encased in a Habano 2000 wrapper, this vitola is both striking and fulfilling.
Generous Dimensions, Limitless Pleasure
A bolder choice, the Gordo is generous in both size and flavor. Expect a profusion of layered flavors and a long, satisfying finish, all wrapped in the opulence of a Habano 2000 wrapper.
Ring Gauge: 60 | Length: 9”
The Pinnacle of Luxury Smoking
The Royale is a grand statement piece, offering an extensive, luxurious smoke. Encased in a Habano 2000 wrapper and filled with a Criollo 98 blend, this cigar is an experience unto itself.
Ring Gauge: 32/50/36 | Length: 5”
A Unique Shape for an Unforgettable Experience
A unique, tapered design sets the Redondito apart, enhancing the flow of flavors from its Habano 2000 wrapper to its Criollo 98 blend. Expect a dynamic and evolving experience that tantalizes the senses..
Compact Size, Explosive Flavors
Compact but compelling, the Mariscal is an adventurous choice for those looking for a shorter but no less exhilarating experience. The Habano 2000 wrapper ensures a smooth burn while highlighting the nuanced flavors of its Criollo 98 core.
Compact Size, Explosive Flavors
Compact but compelling, the Mariscal is an adventurous choice for those looking for a shorter but no less exhilarating experience. The Habano 2000 wrapper ensures a smooth burn while highlighting the nuanced flavors of its Criollo 98 core.
Immerse yourself in the world of Merchant Cigars, where tradition meets innovation.
We invite you to explore a spectrum of flavors and aromas that promise a smoking experience unlike any other.